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When, in 1999, Queer as Folk first appeared on TV, it was nothing short of revolutionary. The Midwich Cuckoos premieres on Sky Max on 2 June, and is released on Now on 3 June, in the UK The suburbs have never seemed scarier,” wrote Katie Rosseinsky in The Evening Standard.

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“This is a fresh and propulsive spin on a familiar story. Starring Keeley Hawes (Bodyguard) as the psychologist helping the families through this odd event, and Max Beesley (The Outsider) as the police officer trying to maintain order – all while a very sinister truth comes to light. John Wyndham’s classic sci-fi novel has been reimagined once again – it was also the base text for both Village of the Damned films – this time for the 21st Century, in this new adaptation by David Farr (The Night Manager, Hanna). Until one sleepy summer's day, that is, when the power and communication lines drop, people pass out in the street and then all women of childbearing age suddenly become pregnant.

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Midwich is as seemingly normal as any other English suburb, marked by quiet roads, nuclear families and little in the way of drama.

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