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It is highly probable that people in ghetto areas are a little braver and bolder. Also, a lot of porn stars who act as ghettos in porn are often black. It is all about being in the lower class! Gay Ghetto Porn Moreover, in gay porno where they both ghettos means they can have sex next to a dumpster or a nasty old apartment building. So why the heck would you find this sexy you ask? That is simple, either you are a ghetto or you fetishize one. Ghettos are now considered cool and attractive, especially black people. Now, a lot of white men are complaining black men are preferred-but these black men in ghetto porn should not have to worry because they too are just looking for hot ghetto men. On PORN.COM you can find several videos of the latest trending topics in porn-you would be surprised to see the number of views these kinds of sex videos get.

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They are in demand, ghettos are now desirable and even considered hotter than your conservative, gullible men.

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